Our corporate governace promotes transparency and accountability to stakeholders, ensures fair and anticompetitive business practices, and fosters the highest ethical standards of business.
We uphold the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the relevant priciples of UN Global Compact. It is our responsibility to ensure that our business will not infringe on humen rights.
Recognizing our role to create positive impacts for societe, we leverage our capabilities and work relentlessly with external stakeholders to create jobs and improve quality of life of people in the society.
Education is essential to drive social and economic development. To stress the importance of education, we encourage the acess to education and skill development in all age groups.
We implement responsible sourcing and ensure traceability in our supply chain as well as work alongside our partners in order to ensure a sustainable and mutual growth.
Water is critical to life and essential to securing livelihoods and maintaining business operations. Therefore, we are committed to effective water management, focusing on both quantity and quality, throughout the supply chain.